Talking through images w/ MOM
I went home during the break to see my mom. I asked her if she could show me any picture of her dad, who passed away suddenly when she was about to have her first child, my brother.
This is a secret recording of us looking through some images.
Georgina Henry · MOM / Talking through images
Reconstructing w/ IMOGEN (cousin)
By doing this research I have recently come in contact with cousins from my mother's side, who I had not been in contact with for about 10 years. This connection happened very naturally and feels very therapeutic, which is why I am letting it guide my process.

My cousins and our mothers both lost their dad very suddenly and by reconnecting we've noticed that they both have a similar way of navigating information about their father.

I will be having a call about this with my cousin in the upcoming days to talk about how they've experienced it. My auntie (mother's sister) also said she would be happy to talk to me about her father.
Talking about grand-dad w/ KELLY (AUNTIE)
Sadly this whole conversation was recorded, but the audio did not get recorded, which is tragic :o

What I remember from this call is:
- W used to plant daffodils and trees at night on public roads
- He would spend time in the greenhouse
- He grew up in Cumberland and afterwards lived in lake district.

Georgina Henry · IMOGEN & MUNGO / Conversations
Conversations w/ IMOGEN & MUNGO
My cousins and I had a call to talk about our granddad. I hadn't talked to her in 10 years, so this was a really lovely moment to rekindle but also reconstruct these memories that we have been give by our mothers.

They have a lot more knowledge on my grandfather, so it's really nice to hear some stories from there, especially because we are able to talk about it from an outside perspective, having not properly known him.

Video call while watching the VHS /Mom
I called my mom while digitalising the VHS tape she gave me at the beginning of the year. Bare in mind, she has never seen the footage.

Seeing her reaction was amazing, she was so excited to see herself as kid (she was around 3). She started reminiscing about their old house and her grandma, pointing out how stylish her grandmother was and how she always wore her best clothes while gardening.

It was lovely to see her relive her childhood in a certain way. She was extremely happy about the fact that it was revived and can't wait to show the rest of the family.